“I never thought twice about the long-term effects the abortions would have on me. I was told that when it was done, it would be over, and my life would go back to normal. Because of God’s work through the Conquerors program, I am now free from the guilt and shame of my past abortions."
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“Conquerors helped me to truly understand the relentless pursuit and tenderness of God after my abortion.”
“I know there are other women who are hurting because of abortion, and I want them to know they are not irredeemable or forgotten by God.”
“I spent twenty years of my life living in grief and unforgiveness, only realizing later how my pain, fear, and guilt were connected to this life-changing event called abortion. Embracing [God’s] forgiveness prevented it from continuing to destroy myself and my relationships.”
“I was a different person after the abortion. Heartbroken, feeling used and dirty, like no one would want me or love me, I felt alone even when I was with other people. In Conquerors, I found a safe place to come and be released from the crushing guilt.”
“I never thought twice about the long-term effects the abortions would have on me. I was told that when it was done, it would be over, and my life would go back to normal. Because of God’s work through the Conquerors program, I am now free from the guilt and shame of my past abortions."
“The Conquerors program gave me a safe place where I could finally face what I had done. It gave me permission to grieve the loss of my children.”
“Conquerors gave me a sense of wanting to live again. It gave me hope after living in despair for so many years.”