
As we enter January and reflect on Sanctity of Human Life Month, churches often share messages about protecting and affirming the value of every life. While this is an important and meaningful message, it’s crucial that we also acknowledge those who may carry the weight of a past abortion. Unfortunately for many, the church can feel like a place of judgment rather than a refuge of grace.

Women and men who have experienced abortion may struggle with deep feelings of guilt, shame, and regret. Sadly, the church, meant to be a place of unconditional love and acceptance, can sometimes amplify these feelings, even unintentionally. Harsh rhetoric or silence on the complexities surrounding abortion can leave those hurting feeling unwelcome or even unworthy of God's forgiveness.

But Christ’s message is one of grace, redemption, and restoration. The church should be a place where people can openly acknowledge their pain and find healing. Jesus extended love and forgiveness to the broken and hurting, never turning away those who sought His grace. The same should be true for the church as His body on earth.

If you have abortion as a part of your past, know that you are not beyond God's love. The church is meant to be a sanctuary — a place where you can experience His mercy and grace, regardless of your past. Healing is possible, and you don’t have to navigate it alone. The church is not a place of condemnation, but a place where healing and grace abound for all.